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How to Find, Hire, Train, and Retain Top Talent for Your Firm
Course Information
Content Level: Intermediate
NAPFA Subject Area: K-Marketing and Practice Management
Course Description

Recruiting and hiring for your firm can be a challenging and time-consuming process, but it does not have to be. Caleb Brown, nationally known expert and Co-Founder & CEO of New Planner Recruiting, shares what he has learned over 15 years of recruiting financial planning talent for firms across the country and how the recent pandemic will impact hiring for years to come. Attendees will gain insights into understanding the next generation of financial services professionals, crafting a unique position description so you will stand out, where to source candidates from in this period of the Great Realignment to build a pipeline, how to effectively screen candidates to ensure they are a good cultural fit for your firm, plus proprietary research data addressing compensation best practices, how to successfully integrate a new hire into your firm, and strategies for retaining them.

Learning Objectives
  1. Learn the differences between the generations in today’s workforce and the impacts on the talent pipeline
  2. Understand the position and career expectations of the new financial planner generation
  3. Gain perspective on the capabilities of new financial planners and how they add value

Caleb Brown, MBA, CFP® 

Caleb is the host of the New Planner Podcast, Co-founder and CEO of New Planner Recruiting, a recruiting  firm that specializes in sourcing, screening, and integrating financial planners in financial planning firms  nationwide. He was named the Next Generation Influencer by Financial Planning magazine, one of the top  25 most influential people in the industry by Investment Advisor, and Investment News 40 under 40. He is a  graduate of the Texas Tech Personal Financial Planning Program and started his career spending over five  years in an RIA firm in North Texas helping a sole practitioner transition the firm to an ensemble model. He  has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus for the TTU College of Human Sciences and a Distinguished  Alumnus for the TTU Financial Planning Program. He has authored Successful Hiring for Financial Planners:  The Human Capital Advantage which is a compilation of the to do’s and what not to do’s in hiring for a  financial planning firm so business owners can alleviate pain points often associated with hiring. As well as  Finding Your Path: The Roadmap From Student to Successful Financial Planner a guide for aspiring planners  to create the career of their dreams. 

He is a Kolbe Certified™ Consultant, and original creator of the FPA Career Day program, which began with  the Dallas/ Ft. Worth chapter and subsequently, has been implemented by other organizations across the  nation. Throughout Brown's career, he has mentored, hired, managed, and coached many career changers  and college students seeking internships and full-time positions in financial planning as well as the firm  owners who hire them. He is also an Adjunct Faculty member for the University of Georgia’s Financial Planning Program. Outside of work, Caleb coach’s youth sports and volunteers with various programs benefiting foster and adoptive kids. He is also an avid golfer, hiker, Tough Mudder, and snowboarder.

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on May 31, 2025
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 NAPFA CE Credit
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