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MIX Group Payment of $25 CFP CE Course Review Fee
Additional Information
MIX groups pay their own CFP CE course fees, at a rate of:

1.) Through this item, before the event takes place: $25 per CFP CE and half-CE offered by the session. So a 1-CE course submitted to CFP is $25, and a 1.5-CE and 2-CE course are $50, etc. You can purchase multiple units of the course. (There is no charge for NAPFA CEs or IRS Enrolled Agent CEs.)


2.) Before the program, an individual CE fee of $1.25 per attendee per CFP CE through the Learning Center course called "MIX Group $1.25 Payment Per CFP Attendee." So a 1.5 CE or 2-CE course costs $2.50 for the reporting of one CFP certificant's CEs. Please count up the number of CFP certificants on your attendance sheet, multiply that by the total number of CEs and half-CEs requested by $1.25 (a half-CE counts as 1), and purchase the appropriate number of units.

Please contact Heidi Tennant at with any questions.
Availability: In Stock
Cost: $25.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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