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Transitioning from Within: Success Stories and Pitfalls -S23OD
Course Information
Content Level: Intermediate 
NAPFA Subject Area: K - Marketing and Practice Management
Course Description

The financial planning world is changing, and succession plans need to change with it. Talented planners have many career options that have not been available previously. While for some the next right move is to start their own firm, others want the opportunity to join a firm and become an owner of an established business. For potential G2 owners, the biggest question is if they have found the right firm, and what that right firm and ownership path looks like. With a panel that includes a background of success stories and pitfalls, participants will discover how they can begin to plot out their career path in a way that aligns with their goals. For those who are looking to become partners of their firms, and for firm owners looking to expand ownership, participants will discover how they can work with the team to create a succession plan that helps all parties win.

Learning Objectives
    1. Consider your desired outcome for your career path
    2. Establish specific criteria for vetting firms for potential ownership
    3. Develop a plan to facilitate ownership transfer to future generations

Aysha Ballis

Aysha Ballis received her Masters degree in financial planning from the University of Georgia and is a CFP® professional. She began at Elwood & Goetz in 2016 as an intern and was hired on as a financial planner following graduation. Ballis advanced to overseeing an ensemble team of financial planners, and after serving in a variety of leadership roles, she was named a partner of the firm in 2021 and chief compliance officer in 2022. Ballis currently serves as chief compliance officer and oversees human resources.

Stephen Fletcher

Stephen Fletcher is a Lead Planner and Owner at EVOadvisers, an SEC-registered investment adviser based in Richmond, Virginia. He serves on NAPFA’s Public Policy committee and served on NAPFA’s Genesis Leadership Committee from 2018-2022. Fletcher has previously been interviewed on behalf of NAPFA in TV and radio interviews, reaching audiences of more than 11 million. Fletcher received his BA and MBA from Campbell University, and is a CFP® professional.

Tim Kochis

Tim Kochis, CFP®, is a key leader of wealth management, worldwide, having received every leadership award his profession confers throughout a 50-year career.

Kochis led planning services at B of A, Deloitte, Kochis Fitz, and as CEO and Chair at Aspiriant. As a DeVoe & Co. Special Advisor and through Kochis Global, he now provides training and strategic consulting. As the author of many articles and several books, and a very frequent speaker, Kochis taught personal financial planning at the University of California; has chaired the CFP Board, the Foundation for Financial Planning, and the Financial Planning Standards Board.

Extensively engaged in philanthropy today, Kochis received a Purple Heart during service in Vietnam. Kochis is a graduate of Marquette University, BA, the University of Michigan, JD, and the University of Chicago, MBA.


As a Senior Financial Advisor and Principal, Karla McAvoy focuses on providing financial planning services and retirement forecasts. McAvoy received her B.A. in Economics from the University of California at Davis and graduated with honors. She also received an MBA degree from Santa Clara University in 2001. She worked in the technology industry for about fifteen years, most recently for PeopleSoft, prior to becoming a financial planner. McAvoy works with families, young professionals, widows, and couples nearing and in retirement. She is also in charge of technology for the firm and is the Chief Compliance Offer.

McAvoy is an active member of both NAPFA and the Financial Planning Association. She has served as a conference Chair for both organizations and continues to seek out ways to contribute and give back. She is also active in her community, volunteering time for her teenagers’ school activities and sports. When she has a free moment, McAvoy loves to read and watches more movies than she really should. She also enjoys travelling and is anxious to show her kids more of the world before they head off to college.

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Dec 31, 2024
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 NAPFA CE Credit
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